首页 问答列表 熟悉加菲猫的~给加菲猫片段配音,怎样找台词?


聚金客 提问者:聚金客 389 128 分享
  • 夏天穿棉袄 夏天穿棉袄

    Garfield: Great, wish me luck with the nightmares. Another day ruined. Oh, you little suck up! Whoa baby! No. Down. Down dumb dog. What part of 'no' don't you understand? The push off the chair? I don't wanna play. Oh, look... What am I supposed to say? Thanks for saving my hide with Luca? Ok, thanks for saving my hide with Luca. Get off! Where was I? Right here. Whoa, that was a cheap shot. Hit a guy when he's not looking? Ok... Oh, excuse me, I think you may have forgotten something. I saw this and I thought, I was pretty sure it was your... Watch out! You see, you can't touch this. That's right. Don't sneak up on me, baby. Oh, come on with that! Get that weak step outta here! Is that butt broken? No it's something like this here.... Can you do this? Shouldn't those hips be in the shop? Walk this way please... I'ma walking the dog. Let's step it up a little bit, something like this.... Whoa, look at this! Watch out now! Watch out for this thing! You probably should've practiced in the garage before you stepped up to someone of my level. Bash up! Maybe something a little bit more challenging. How about this? Look who's here on the porch. I'm walking the porch. I'm holding the torch, I'm ready to scorch. Nermal: Hey! Look, Garfield's dancing with Odie. They're like buddies now! Garfield: Odie, what are you doing here? I was doing a solo dance, and a creepy dog comes up next to me... Did you guys see that? Thank you fellas, thank you. Uh oh, here's more trouble. ----- Look at the goony look on his face!

  • 四月 四月

    第一部 http://www.txtxz.com/read.php?tid-2830.html 剧本下载

  • yxm-梅 yxm-梅

    第一部 再看看别人怎么说的。



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